Thursday, July 18, 2013

Excel 2

                                       This is a example of my t-test

This assignment was to create a second Excel using the data from the previous Excel. I have to admit that I  am still confused of how I created this Excel using the t-test. I followed the demonstration provided in the instructions. I am currently taken the course 6301, which we have to write a Research Action Proposal. I am not sure if I will have to use the t-test in the future but I would prefer not too! LOL

The independent variable is gender male/female. The continuous dependent variable is NAEP  2011 4th grade state reading averages. The research question is does student's gender impact 4 th grade reading performance? The data shows that the female scores are higher than males scores. The answer is to reject null difference, because the gender is a factor in the 4thgrade reading performance.

My research topic is Does Ipads apps a more effective learning tool vs. hands- on activities? The independent variables will be the apps and hands-on activities. The continuous variable will be my Pre-k students.  My hypothesis is that the hands-on activities are more effective learning tool in a Pre-k classroom. The null hypothesis is that there is no difference between Ipad apps or hands-on activities.

ISTE-NETS- T Standard Model Digital Age Work and Learning 3d. This is a digital tool that can support research and learning. A student can apply a t-test to their data that they have collected to analysis it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Excel 1 Basic Skills

I have never used Excel before. I usually made a spreadsheet or table in windows. I had to use my old computer bcause my Mac won't allow me to Data Analysis Tool Pack. Th e assignment was to create a spreadsheet using the NAEP State Comparisons of the 4th grade reading level and compare it to the state we live in. How is the state of  West Virginia compared to other states: West Virginia is ranked 43 out of 52 (50 states and the District of Columbia & National Average). There are 34 states above West Virginia and 9 states below. According, to the chart West Virginia is below the National Average.

ISTE-NETS-T Standard: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity 1c. Excel is a tool that can provide a visual aide to learning.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Rubistar is a great website to create rubrics! I wish I had this tool last Spring when I was teaching Health & Safety. I had to create my own and was completely confused. I had no idea that there was too to help you create one. This is definitely a tool I will use in the future and will pass on to my fellow teachers. I decided to create a rubric to help my grade my end of semester group presentation.

ISTE-NETS T  Standards: Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments 2d. This digital tool provides teachers with a resource  to assess student progress.
Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership 5c. I feel this tool fits into this categories because a teacher can use this tool to evaluate student's work and well as a director or administrator could use this tool to evaluate a teacher's performance on emerging digital tools into the classroom.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Google Earth

The assignment was to install Goggle Earth and type in my address. I found the street I live on my I didn't see the my actual house, but I still think it was in high resolution. I think that it was in high resolution because you could see the road and other landmarks.

The other part of the assignment was to use a KML file, but I still have no idea what this means. I did use the the link for KML and e-mailed it to myself and to took a snap shoot with Jing.
                                                   My House

You can import a map from Google Maps  to Google Earth by adding the address you are searching for and switching in between Satellite and Earth view. It feature can give you a more detailed view of the address or place you are searching for. This a great tool to search for places that your class is learning about or just to show the children where they are at. There is also a feature to show the view from moon, stars, etc.. I wish I knew about this tool last Spring when my preschoolers were interested in studying the Solar System. The would have loved to see the satellite view of their classroom.

Goggle Earth for Educators is a great website to get lessons or add lesson plan to for our teachers to use.  I  found a lesson plan on Solar System, but it designed for a 5th grade class. I could use part of the lesson or adjust it to a preschool school level.

ISTE-NETS-A  Standard: Digital Age Learning Culture 2a. This is a digital tool that can improve continuous learning by giving students and teachers a tool to enhance learning of maps.

ISTE-NETS-T  Standard: Model Digital Age Work and Learning 3c. This is a great tool to encourage students to show their knowledge of skills to their peers using a digital tool. This digital tool can help students look up locations or places that they might be exploring in the classroom or that they  could use for a classroom presentation.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Goggle Maps

The assignment was to chose a city and a topic and create a map. I chose New York City! One of my preschoolers visited New York City, last Spring with his family on Spring Break. When he came back he he shared all his experiences with his classmates. He explored several skyscrapers, bridges, train stations and the Statue of Liberty. Before, he left for his trip the class was exploring skyscrappers, buildings and talking about construction workers, tools and their machines. The class was so excited to hear and see all his photos from Face book. Our project about Skyscrapers/Buildings turned into a project about trains and train stations.

As a preschool teacher, the first thing I did to complete this assignment was to create a web of ideas, about New York City!
The assignment also asked to pick a topic but my topic is New York City.  I could just pick skyscrapers, trains, zoo, Islands , or bridges, but New York City is a topic in it's self. No one goes to New York to just tour one topic! New York City is one of the most popular cities in the United States!  

Since, it is a preschool class if we were to take a real field trip there, the parents would have to accompany the children. The children would love a virtual tour of New York, cause when you click on an area on the map it shows the Satellite and Earth image (actual picture).

Map of New York City

I will use this tool in my classroom, help enhance my student's learning.

Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity-1b- because it is a digital tool, that can allow teachers and students to use a digital tool to take a virtual tour of a city, without leaving the classroom.

Model Digital Age Work and Learning- 3b- students, peers, parents and community members can use this digital tool to support student success by creating a virtual tour of a city that they might be focusing on in the classroom or at a after-school community project. Any one could use this tool to create a virtual tour of a city to become more familiar with if and to learn what how to use maps.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Self-Grading Form

I was so confused at first! I thought that I could use the previous Goggle Form to make my self-grading form, but the form was a parent survey and not a test or quiz. So, I developed a Health & Safety Quiz for the Early Childhood course that I will be teaching in the fall. I created a spreadsheet with the responses. I watched the YouTube video to help to create my spreadsheet, but the formula still didn't work for me I used it like 20 times. I was able to get all the columns graded but I had to figure out the average by myself ( I am sure I did something wrong).
I mostly likely will use Google Forms to create most of my quizzes and test in my Health & Safety class. I like the idea that it will grade your quizzes and test for you. Once, I figure that part of I will love it. I would prefer not to have to grade 25 tests by hand. 

ISTE.NETS-T 2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments.
Standard d. Using Goggle Forms and creating a spreadsheet is a great way to assess student learning.
5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Standard c. The Self-grading form is a new digital tool, that can help teachers to develop professional growth. My goal is to use it to digital to promote my professional growth!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Goggle Forms

Here is my Goggle Form! I decided to create a questionnaire for the parents at my preschool. At first, I was hesitant to do this assignment but once I got started I enjoyed it. I didn't use any of resources but knowledge of being a preschool teacher for 13 years. This a great tool to create your our tests. I am also an Adjunct Professor at Pierpont Community & Technical College. This would be a great tool to create quizzes and tests for my Health & Safety class. I like the idea to create different types of questions: multiple choice, paragraph, checklist, etc.. There are several ways to view the form; Face book, e-mail, Google+ and Twitter. The form can be linked into a document or embedded into it. I am not sure if you have to have an Google account to access the Forms, because when I Google it popped up and I was already logged in. I believe you would need an account so that the information can be send to you.

The Spreadsheet is a great way to view every one's responses at a glance. If I was doing this survey for my Health & Safety class, I could see what questions they had difficulty with and which ones were easier for them. I would also know what time the quiz or test was taken.

ISTE-NETS T Standard the is meet: 2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments b. This a great to tool to assess learning and form students to assess their learning by tseeig their results in a spreadsheet.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

PREZI-Presentation 3

">Prezi vs. PowerPoint how are they different and how are they the same? They are the same because they are both forms of presentation. They are different because a Prezi is a way to create a 3D presentation, that you can zoom in and out and bring your presentation to life. A PowerPoint presentation is a way to present material using slides. You can also had images and pictures to a PowerPoint but with a Prezi use can add Videos, websites and a PowerPoint Presentation. I feel the Prezi has a lot of advantages you can add more information and use more technology in your presentation, but it is only accessible on the internet. Which is a wonderful tool, to share with others, but I didn't see an option to print it out? Some visual students need to be able to print out the presentation and be able to have a paper copy to option the information.

My Prezi presentation is about Shadows. I took my PowerPoint presentation and turned it into a Prezi presentation because I wanted the option to show my "Shadow" presentation in two different ways for students who are visual and audio learners.

ISTE NETS T Standard this presentation addresses : 3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning d.  The Prezi Presentation because it models and facilitates an effective use of emerging digital tools. Students as well as teachers can support learning with this tool. Teachers can use this tool to create presentations to support a learning objective. A student can create a Prezi presentation to teach or introduce classmates to subject matter that they are learning.

Shadow Presentation

Monday, June 17, 2013

Presentation 1

PowerPoint Presentation: Shadows
 I choose to do my  Power Point presentation on Shadows. I am a preschool teacher and an Adjunct Professor for the Early Childhood Department at Pierpont Community and Technical College. I created a PowerPoint that reflected a study of shadows int classroom and how teachers can use shadows to teach preschool children. I used a combination of my preschoolers and my own daughter. I plan to use this PowerPoint with my college students and teach them how to use shadows with preschoolers and also show them another form of documenting children's work in the classroom. 

The West Virginia Early Childhood Content Standards I used was Science . Standard 1: Science as Inquiry
 Learning Criteria: Each child will progress in gaining a foundational knowledge of scientific inquiry.

Through the use of shadows children learn cause and effect, problem solve and do simple investigations. 

The PowerPoint includes examples of letter and number recognition, which meets Math and Literacy standards.

Math- Standard 1: Numbers and Operations
 Learning Criteria: Each child will progress in understanding quantity and numbers.
Counting with the cars teaches one-to-one correspondence and number recognition.

Literacy-Standard 2: Reading
 Learning Criteria: Each child will progress in the development of word recognition.
Using letters to teach children the letters in their first name.

 West Virginia Early Learning Standards

Friday, June 14, 2013

Jing Screencast

I chose to do my video on the Prezi presentation. I thought it would be the easiest  to share, but I didn't realize how long it took to make. I probably made 20 videos before I got this right. Five minutes is not enough time to make a video. I couldn't make it shorter. lol

Making a digital movie is pretty cool. You determine and control the recording area on your screen capture by making a making a box with the arrows, it is kind of like cropping the screen. The options for saving include using a screen cast. My screen capture is in the right hand corner of the my computer. I published my video on the Internet by using screen cast. Screencast allows you to share your video by allowing you to copy and paste the address to your video. Jing  (Sun) has 3 prongs: help feature, capture and history.

I will say that this is a great tool, to connect with students. Especially, if you are teaching and on-line course or if want to make a video of instructions and present to your students in class.

ISTE-NETS T Standard: 2 c. You could use this tool to customize individual learning for your students. If a student has a question about a certain assignment, a professor could post  or e-mail a video with instructions.

ISTE-NETS A Standard 2 b & c. This tool is a perfect example of modern technology and could also be used by students to demonstrate their knowledge of a subject.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Jing Graphic

Jing Graphic is definitely a new tool for me. I am not sure if I like it yet. I like how you can create an image and add comments, arrows and textbooks. This a good teaching tool.

I thinking of using this in my practicum class, in the Fall Semester. This would be a great way to show students pictures and be able to highlight particular things from the pictures.
The picture I chose here is a picture of a Reggio inspired classroom. I highlighted the use of mirrors in the classroom. I also created a text message that states "great use of mirrors in the classroom."

The ISTE-NETS A standard is 2. Digital Age Learning Culture c.
This a great tool for visual learners.

ISTE-NETS T standard is 2. c This tool can be customized to meet the needs of all students and can be use to focus on individual students. A professor could e-mail and image to a student and include notes to assist that student with whatever, information could be helpful to them.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Diigo-This is neat tool to bookmark articles and share articles with friends and co-workers. I was just talking to my co-teacher about starting a Reggio reading circle. This would be a great way to collect and share articles with other Early Childhood educators.

I am still confused if I added the browser correctly.  I followed the instructors but, my old computer has the old windows. I am going to try to download it to my mac. I used the Diigolet web browser, but I was unable to add it to my favorite tab.

ISTE NETS T-Standard is 3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning b. and c. because students can use this tool to connect with peers and parents can use the tool to help their children and beware of what they are learning.

ISTE NETS A- 2. Digital Age Learning Culture a. and c. because this is an instructional tool to guide student learning.


This is my second attempt to create a Prezi resume. I lost the one I created on Friday! Once, I got the hang of it I thought it was a cool way to create a resume. It is definitely different then a regular resume. I like the way it looks. I also like how it can be presented. Here is my prezi

Through this process, I learned how to use the program and make my resume short and to the point. I could use it in the future at job interviews and  digital portfolio to accompany it. It is not a tool that, I could you use at work, with the preschoolers, but I would share the website and program with the college students in the Early Childhood program. At the end of the the spring semester a few of them wanted help help with resumes and this would be a great program to assist them.

The NETS standard that would apply is the 3. Excellence in Professional Practice a. This is a digital tool that can help promote professional growth.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

RezScore -- Grade Your Resume

RezScore -- Grade Your Resume
 I thought my resume was pretty good, until I used rezscore tool to evaluate it.  Now I am not to sure.
Addressing the the tips section: One comment it that it was too short, I thought resumes were suppose to be short. The second tip was that I needed to remove the objective section and try a professional headline instead. OK, I can agree with that. I could have taken more time developing this area.  The review also mentioned that I didn't include references. I didn't include references cause I thought that would be a separate page. The last comment stated not to use first person, what am I suppose to use third person? I am not sure?
I completely don't agree with the job matches at all. The website recommended that I apply for Director of Product Development for OSHA. I am not even sure what that means! The other job suggestion was to apply for Registration Specialist at WVU Hospital. Seriously, that doesn't make any sense either. I have been a preschool teacher for 13 years, why would I apply to any of these jobs. I have no experience with either of the jobs that they recommend. My objective states that I am looking for a job as an Full-time Faculty position.

The review stated that my strongest in the areas of education, non-profit and health. I understand education cause, I have been in school for 30 years! lol Non-profit, well I am a teacher and I don't do it for the money! You can measure know you in still in others, hugs & kisses! Health, I think cause I am certificated in CPR & First, posses a food handler's card and I teach Health and Safety.

I think this is a good program to help people rethink their resume before applying for a job, but I don't agree with all the outcomes. I will redo some parts of my resume that it suggests. I will also pass the website on to co-workers and friends, cause it can be helpful!

Monday, June 3, 2013


Pablo Picasso is my favorite artist. I remember in high school in Art Appreciation class. We had to choose a famous artist to do a report about and recreate one of their paintings. I chose to recreated his painting entitled "The Dream."

One issue I have is working with the snipping tool, I am still trying to capture the whole image but I just can't see to get the box around the whole image! Lol

When I did my self-portrait, I tried to create myself as unquie as I could. I like that program. I will probably use it again and create a picture of my daughter.



First, I would like to mention that the snipping tool,is not as easy as I thought it would be. I first tried it on my Mac and downloaded a Snag it, like the intstruction said but then I wasn't able to add the image to my blog. I started over on my old computer. I am still not sure if I did it right, but tis is not a tool I would use in the future. I honestly would prefer to copy nd paste items.

I captured this image of a flower, because the last project I did with my 3 year old was Spring and planting flowers. The children planted seeds and watched them start to grow and then we transfered the flowers into pots to take the home. One of the children, asked me how some flowers could have different colors like a rainbow. So I we did an experiement with carnations and food coloring and mixing colors. They loved to see the carnations change colors. If we had more time, I would have tried a different experience to change colors of different flowers.