Monday, June 16, 2014

Week 4 Reading

1. Copy and paste a quote from the reading that causes you to have a strong reaction (agreement, disagreement, confusion...) and explain your reaction.
"Traditionally, the word literacy has referred to a set of cognitive skills that individuals acquire to function in society, primarily the ability to read and write to a specified degree of proficiency." I agree with this statement that is the traditional definition but I also think it is the definition that most educators still use.  It is the most common definition used in textbooks as well. 

2. Why should educators care about multimodal texts?
Educators should care about multimodal texts because they "will help teachers expand their strategies and skills to help their students successfully read the textual, visual, and design elements of the multimodal texts they encounter."

3. How is your definition of literacy different or similar to the definition of literacy presented in the book? Or how did the reading change or expand your definition of literacy?
I was not aware of the book's definition of literacy. The idea "that literacy  changes depending on one's setting." After reading this definition, I would have to agree. Why, because people are knowledgable about many subjects but I don't think anyone is knowledgeable about every subject. I am very literate when it comes to Art, music , history, English and psychology but when it comes to math I feel illiterate. Math is a subject that I would need to brush up on my skills. I have not had a math class since my first undergrad degree. 

4. How can visual literacy support the development of the kinds of reading and writing we want children to learn through schooling?
Visual literacy can support the development of the kinds of reading and writing we want children to learn through schooling by incorporating other senses. Children will not only be using there eyes but ears to hear a video. Research has shown the more senses you use the more you will comprehend what you are trying to learn.

5. Find an online resources that addresses issues of visual literacy in education link to it or embed it your blog posting and provide a brief explanation of how it relates to this week's reading. 
I think that this video relates to this week's reading because classrooms are changing. Teachers are incorporating more visual literacies into their lesson plans. Children are more engaged when they are given visual tools.

6. Find an images that relates to the ideas presented in this week's reading.
                                     Visual Literacy Image                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Damon, K. (n.d). Visual Literacy in the Classroom. (You Tube). Retrieved from
Serafini, F.,(2014). Reading the Visual: An Introduction to Teaching Multimodal Literacy. Teachers College Press: New York.

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