Monday, June 9, 2014

Week 3's Reading

1. Copy and paste a quote from each reading that causes you to have a strong reaction (agreement, disagreement, confusion...) and explain your reaction.

"Moreover, assessment is very much about context and needs to take into account the particular
circumstances of the course, the students, and the teacher, as well as the possibilities afforded by
the assignment, the modes, and the medium. Even if it were possible, then, it would be unwise
to apply a set of assessment criteria to all types of assignments at all places."

I  agree with this statement. Assessment is very much about the content because the content determines the assessment. Depending on what the assignment is, will determine how we assess the activity. For example, if the assignment is to create a power point presentation about the life cycle of butterflies a teacher will use assessment tools that assesses the content of the presentation and facts. If the assignment was to create an art project that represented the life cycle of butterflies, the teacher would assess the materials used to create the butterflies.

2. Have you ever ask students to create a multimodal text? Have you ever created a multimodal text for a school related assignment? Described the assignment. What were the learning goals? How was it assessed? Do you feel the assignment improved you or your students comprehension of the content? Why? Why not?

I have never asked students to create a multimodal text. I have created a multimodal text for a grad school class. The assignment was to create a Prezi presentation for my resume. The learning goals were the National Education Standards for Teachers. The presentation was assessed by the how the presentation was designed not by the content. I feel this assignment was a start to understanding how to create a Prezi presentation but this course has helped improved my understanding of a multimodal text.

3. Find an multimodal example of metonymy and embed it in your blog. Is it a good or poor example? Why?
This is an example of a metonymy. The White House is an example of a white house.  The White House is the house of the government but the president as lives there.

4. Find a multimodal example of metaphor and embed it in your blog. Is it a good or poor example Why?
This is a good example of a metaphor because, the lighting is representing a person dancing. The lighting was moving through the sky in waves and rhythms.

5. How does this reading help you think about the use of multimodal text to support writing and content area instruction in school?
This reading has given me insight to the use of multimodal texts. I didn't realize that how many contents a student  could learn through using multimodal texts. This a great tool to teach reading, writing and combing it with digital  media. 

Sorapure, M. "Between Modes: Assessing Student New Media Compositions. Retrieved on 3 June 2014 
Lighting picture:  
White House:

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your quote. I commented similarly in my posting as well. Context and medium all need to come into play for assessment. It is without a doubt complex and not as easy as grading the words on a page. It is very new to the students and the teachers. Our reading also says "we need to work from what we know and see computers as "new lenses through which to look at the central issues of writing insruction."
